+27 82 467 1274


Replacement of 3,5km 16-inch Carbon Steel Ash Water Return (AWR) Pipelines

Worcester Rail Fuelling Bowsers Mechanical Upgrade

Bellville WWT Plant Upgrade of 4-inch Carbon Steel Clarifier N0 9 Suction Piping & Ancillary Civil Works

Provision of Offshore ROV Survey (JV with Marine Data Consulting)

3-year Term Contract to conduct Marine Geophysical Surveys (JV with Marine Data Consulting)

  • Refurbishment of Existing and Installation of New Transfer Ball Tables
  • Refurbishment of Hotel and Juliet Taxiway Gates
  • Jet Fuel Depot Tank 7 Completion of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Works
  • Jet Fuel Depot – Design, Supply, Construction and Commissioning (Civil, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Works) of Jet A1 Hydrant Pump 1 & 2