+27 82 467 1274


What We Offer

  • In industrial environments, we do engineering maintenance of pumps, HVAC systems, induction motors, valves, clarifiers, automation, boilers, compressors, mixers and agitators.
  • In real estate environments, we do maintenance of buildings and structures.

Value Philosophy

As with Project Solutions and Construction, with Maintenance too, perspective determines success.

If you believe that maintenance is restoration, you restore structures and facilities to their previous condition. But if you believe maintenance is an opportunity for improvement, you approach it as such. And there’s always a difference in the outcome.

We do maintenance with change in mind. The reason is two-fold:

  • Firstly, things have changed since the asset or piece of equipment being maintained was created or last maintained. In some instances, so has its role.

    With things changing faster than ever before, and in light of clients reconfiguring their operational arrangements more often than ever, this attitude and approach is priceless.
  • Secondly, this time around, we have the benefit of insight as to how the asset or piece of equipment being maintained has performed in the past, and thus where and how it can improve going forward.

    Put differently, before we crank the engines, we re-imagine the role and impact of the asset or piece of equipment we are working on in light of its new context and in light of insight we hold about its past performance.

We then reconfigure as far and best as possible. For better efficiency. For better congruence with its environment. For new functions. For improved functionality. For reduced maintenance frequency. For better output and performance overall.

It’s not just maintenance. It’s improvement, from a number of perspectives. And therein lies the difference.